we can do in our daily life with regard to green,sustainable living.when you have finished,exchange your writing with a partner,using the following criteria for evaluation


1. 节约能源:关闭不必要的灯光和电器,使用高效节能的电器和照明设备,合理利用天然光线,减少能源消耗。

2. 减少用水:修复漏水的水龙头和管道,使用节水型洗衣机和洗碗机,收集雨水用于浇灌植物,减少浪费。

3. 减少废物:进行垃圾分类,回收可回收物品,减少使用一次性塑料制品,购买可持续包装的产品,修复和重复使用物品。

4. 推广可持续交通方式:鼓励步行、骑自行车、乘坐公共交通工具或共享交通工具,减少个人汽车使用,降低碳排放。

5. 购买环保产品:选择使用环保清洁剂、个人护理产品和家居用品,购买有机食品和可持续生产的商品,支持环保企业。

6. 种植绿色植物:在家中或社区种植绿色植物,提高空气质量,吸收二氧化碳,美化环境。

7. 减少碳足迹:减少飞行次数,选择低碳交通方式,尽量减少使用化石燃料,选择使用可再生能源。

8. 教育他人:与家人、朋友和社区分享绿色可持续生活的重要性,鼓励他们采取相应的行动,共同保护地球。


1. 内容完整性:是否包含了所有的措施。
2. 可行性:提出的措施是否实际可行。
3. 具体性:措施是否具体明确,能够指导行动。
4. 综合性:是否涵盖了各个方面的绿色可持续生活。
5. 语言表达:语句是否清晰流畅,用词准确恰当。

what do we mean by stock characters and situations

Stock characters and situations refer to commonly used and easily recognizable character types and plot scenarios in literature, film, and other forms of storytelling. These characters and situations are often stereotypical and predictable, and are used to quickly establish a familiar context for the audience.

Examples of stock characters include the hero, the villain, the damsel in distress, the wise old mentor, and the comic relief sidekick. Stock situations might include the quest, the love triangle, the underdog overcoming adversity, and the battle between good and evil.

While the use of stock characters and situations can be seen as formulaic and lacking in originality, they can also be effective in engaging audiences and conveying universal themes and messages. Many classic stories and films have relied on these familiar archetypes to create compelling narratives that resonate with audiences across cultures and generations.
