AI智能问答-学无止境 AI解答 Was Smithers (from The Emperor Jones) an example of a static character or a dynamic character? How so?

Was Smithers (from The Emperor Jones) an example of a static character or a dynamic character? How so?

Smithers, from the play "The Emperor Jones" by Eugene O’Neill, can be considered a dynamic character. A dynamic character is one who undergoes significant changes throughout the course of a story, while a static character remains unchanged.

At the beginning of the play, Smithers is portrayed as a loyal and subservient servant to the main character, Brutus Jones. However, as the play progresses, Smithers begins to question his loyalty to Jones and his role in the oppression of the native people. He ultimately betrays Jones and helps to lead the rebellion against him.

This transformation from a loyal servant to a rebel leader shows a significant change in Smithers’ character, making him a dynamic character.


